Über unser breit aufgestelltes Netzwerk im Bereich der internationalen Schul- und Internatsberatung können wir Ihnen eine umfassende, individuelle Internatsberatung bieten. Sprechen Sie uns an – wir helfen Ihnen bei allen Fragen rund um den Aufenthalt in einem englischen Internat oder einer britischen Summer School und sogar bei der Suche nach einem Studienplatz in England weiter.
Marie-Louise Banning
Education Consultant
Personal and impartial advice, guiding you to university
University applications to the UK, USA and EU.
Marie-Louise and her team are dedicated to providing specialist support with applications to Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in the UK, EU and USA. Marie-Louise has over thirty years‘ experience in international education with a specialism in Higher Education.
“Every applicant is different and needs individual advice accordingly,’ she says. „It is not just a matter of choosing a university: there are much broader questions to ask about a student’s future career and aspirations, as well as their academic ability and personal background. Only then can the process of research and application begin. Since 2011, 100% of our students have received offers, which demonstrates how carefully we support each and every applicant.“ – Marie-Louise Banning, Director.
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin:
Marie-Louise Banning

British Boarding Schools Workhop
Internet: www.bbsw.org.uk