Einblick eines Internatslehrers
Und was macht man genau im Biologie-Unterricht in der IB-Oberstufe? Mr. Alasdair Ulyett, Fachleiter Biologie und IB-Koordinator gibt uns einen Einblick:
My IB Biology lessons were inspired by University lectures: students are given handouts that match the PowerPoint presentation that they can annotate with further information – this ensures that every student has a complete set of notes with accurate information. IB Biology contains a lot of fascinating topics but as it has strong links to Theory of Knowledge, we regularly evaluate theories and evidence as well as discussing ethical topics. Students have access to an online assessment and revision website, an electronic textbook which is accessible online and they have access to my website where they will find resources and guidance. In IGCSE, all Biology students sit the same end of chapter tests based on past paper questions. The results are monitored using a tracking sheet in order to monitor student progress for the duration of the course. As well as giving students much needed practice with exam style questions, it allows us to predict how well each student will do in the final exams.