Von England ins Hotel Adlon!
Nele hat’s geschafft!
Nach einem Berufsvorbereitungsjahr in England hat Nele einen der begehrtesten Ausbildungsplätze in der Hotelbranche bekommen!
Nele kann sehr stolz auf sich sein: Sie wollte immer schon gerne im Bereich Tourismus/Hotellerie arbeiten und hat sich nach dem Realschulabschluss für einen speziellen Vorbereitungskurs eingeschrieben. Diese Qualifikation hat ihr viele Einladungen zu Vorstellungsgesprächen gebracht. Nach einem Gespräch, einem Assessment-Center und einem Probearbeiten, hat sie schließlich das Angebot bekommen, als Hotelfachfrau im Hotel Adlon, Berlin zu beginnen. Das ist ein riesiger Erfolg und wir beglückwünschen Nele herzlich und wünschen ihr eine aufregende und erfolgreiche Zeit!
Nele über ihr Berufsvorbereitungsjahr in England:
A sought-after job at a five-star hotel in Berlin | Kings Education
Level 4 Diploma of Tourism and Hospitality Management student Nele Koch, fom Germany, tells us about the three-year apprenticeship she will be undertaking in her home country after completing her course.
The Level 4 Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management has helped me to decide what I want to do and where I want to work. That’s why I decided to go to a five-star hotel instead of doing an apprenticeship in a four-star hotel. Throughout the course I have learned a lot of theory about hospitality and this will give me a big advantage when I start working. The work experience at various hotels around Bournemouth has given me a good introduction to different departments within a hotel and a clear advantage when I start my apprenticeship. I have worked in Front Office, Housekeeping and Food and Beverage.
Once I have finished my time here at Kings Bournemouth, I will complete my apprenticeship in Berlin in the historical Hotel Adlon which now belongs to Kempinski. The Hotel opened in 1907 and survived both world wars. During the East-West German Conflict, the hotel stood witness to the division of the city before being demolished in 1984. In 1997, the hotel re-opened to continue its grand history. Now, the Adlon is one of the most revered 5-star hotel in Europe.
The apprenticeship lasts three years and I will start working on 1 August 2017 and will finish in Summer 2020. Fields of activities are multifunctional because a Hotel Management Trainee has to go through all departments including kitchen, reception, restaurant, housekeeping, personnel, administration, room service, banqueting and marketing. As a trainee, I will still have school, as shifts in the hotel varies. It will be tough to continue studying and working at the same time, but I am determined to succeed.
The course at Kings has made me more mature and I feel more confident in working within the hospitality industry.